
Mastering excellence in Strategic Sourcing!

Your partner for digitalisation and process optimisation of strategic purchasing

Optimise your strategic procurement process with Xatena!

Mastering the strategic procurement process is the key to reducing costs and sustainably improving your EBITDA margin. With an effective procurement strategy, you not only strengthen the financial health of your company, but also manage governance requirements to minimise procurement risks.

Xatena offers you an innovative, web-based platform that digitises the strategic procurement process. Our solution helps you to reduce material costs and minimise risks at the same time. With proven processes and methods as well as close support, we help you to transform your strategic procurement - completely customised and tailored to your needs.

Our platform can be used across all industries and is suitable for international companies as well as small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Benefit from potential savings through process standardisation, professionalisation and automation. This allows you to concentrate on the relevant processes of the future.

Enter a new era of strategic purchasing with Xatena now and make your procurement processes more efficient and future-proof!

All procurement processes on one platform - across all organisations

End-to-end digital workflow from the first application to order processing.

Efficient fulfilment of the increasing compliance and governance requirements of procurement and materials management.


We support strategic procurement in the digitalisation of its processes and bring the globally active buyer together with its suppliers on its marketplace. We help them to strengthen their function as a service provider within the company. 

  • ‘Setting up the digital processes was very competent. Simple and quick implementation. Mutual input helped to define the process. Above all, the time spent on queries is significantly reduced. ’

    Harm Albers, Head of Procurement and Logistics,

    Muri Hospital

    Mehr zu unseren Kunden
  • ‘The story with Xatena began at a symposium without any preconceptions - since then we have continued to develop our strategic purchasing together with Xatena. We are delighted with the transparency and processes that Xatena offers us. What's more, the collaboration works very well as a partnership, which was very important to us during the selection process.’

    Daniel Bläsi, Head of Purchasing and Procurement, Cantonal Hospital Uri

    August 2021

    Mehr zu unseren Kunden
  • ‘The platform supports Winterthur Cantonal Hospital with digital process management in strategically economical procurement and frees us from administrative work in recall monitoring.’

    Rico Ziegler, Head of Operational Purchasing Cantonal Hospital Winterthur

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26 March 2025
Xatena ist führender Anbieter für die Digitalisierung des strategischen Einkaufs. Durch die Kooperation mit iomarket erschliesst Xatena neben seinen Kernmodulen ein neues Potenzial zur durchgängigen End-to-End-Beschaffungsdigitalisierung. Als Kunde können Sie von einer nahtlosen, digitalen Lösung profitieren, die den gesamten Einkaufsprozess, von der Bedarfsplanung bis zur Zahlung, abbildet. Dabei werden zwei zentrale Bereiche des digitalen Einkaufs verbunden: Xatena optimiert den Source-to-Contract-Prozess (S2C) – von der Bedarfsplanung bis zum Vertrag. iomarket übernimmt den Procure-to-Pay-Part (P2P) – von der Bestellung bis zur Zahlung. Das Ergebnis? Ein Source-2-Pay-Prozess (S2C) der folgende Vorteile mit sich bringt: Durchgängigkeit – vom Bedarf bis zur Zahlung alles aus einer Hand Modularität – die Lösung ist flexibel in bestehende IT-Landschaften (ERP-Systeme) implementierbar Etablierte Lösungen – der Prozess basiert auf Lösungen von etablierten, langjährigen Anbietern Kostenreduktion – durch Automatisierung und Optimierung der Beschaffungsprozesse, sowie günstige IT-Implementierung
By Jan Good 1 October 2024
Durch diese Partnerschaft erweitern wir unser Portfolio und bieten unseren Kunden ab sofort innovative Purchase-to-Pay-Lösungen zusätzlich zu unseren herkömmlichen Modulen an. Wir freuen uns auf die gemeinsame Reise mit iomarket und darauf, unseren bestehenden und neuen Kunden noch mehr Mehrwert zu bieten!
By Jenna Kortland 22 September 2023
Im Webinar werden Vorteile und Potenziale des strategischen Einkaufs, in Kombination mit der Digitalisierung, thematisiert. Das Webinar wird ausschliesslich online durchgeführt. Den Link erhält man nach der Anmeldung per e-Mail an info@xatena.com bis zum 19.10.2023.


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  • "Setting up the digital processes was very competent. Simple and quick implementation. Mutual inputs helped define the process. Above all, the time required for queries is significantly reduced."

    Harm Albers, Leiter Beschaffung und Logistik,

    Spital Muri

    More about our customers
  • "The story with Xatena began quite naturally at a symposium - since then we have further developed our strategic purchasing together with Xatena. We are enthusiastic about the transparency and the processes that Xatena offers us. In addition, the cooperation is very cooperative, which helps us in the selection was very important. "

    Daniel Bläsi, Leiter Einkauf und Beschaffung, Kantonsspital Uri

    August 2021

    More about our customers
  • "The platform supports the Kantonsspital Winterthur with digital litigation in strategic economic procurement and frees us from administrative work in call-back monitoring."

    Rico Ziegler, Leiter Operativer Einkauf Kantonsspital Winterthur

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